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Huong dan ban hang tren shopee tu a-z

Shopee dang la mot kenh ban hang truc tuyen duoc nguoi tieu dung nuoc ta tin nhiem ngay nay. Ban hang tren shopee se la dip tuyet voi cho nhung nguoi biet tan dung de quang ba thuong hieu, den gan voi cac khach hang voi kha nang cao nhat va doanh thu lon nhat. Duoi day chung toi se thong ke tat tan tat cac thong tin ban hang shopee va huong dan ban hang tren shopee tu a – z mot cach hieu qua nhat

Xem them ve Shopee:

De dang ki ban hang tren shopee, ban lam theo nhung huong dan sau dau :

Buoc 1 : Truy cap vao website cua shopee theo duong dan : de giay phep 1 tai khoan ban hang .

Buoc 2 : Ban click vao nut dang ki o goc tren ben phai man hinh may vi tinh se thay lo bang dang ki. Ban co the dang nhap bang mang xa hoi hoac thu dien tu.


Buoc 3 : Tiep do ban nhap so phone cua ban : click vao nut goi ma xac minh , chuoi se goi 1 ma hieu bi mat vao so phone cua ban. Ban nhap ma xac minh vao o ma xac minh.

Buoc 4: Dien ten dang nhap : ten dang nhap khong duoc co dau cach hay ky tu dac biet hoac khong duoc cung luc voi ten khac da co thoi gian truoc. Neu trung nen doi ten khac hoac them so vao sau.

Buoc 5 : Nhap mat khau : toi thieu mot ki tu viet thuong va mot ki tu viet hoa. So ky tu lon nhat la tu 8 – 16 ky tu .

Buoc 6 : click vao giay phep de hoan thanh cac thao tac.

Luu y : day moi chi la mot tai khoan rieng dong thoi dung duoc chuc nang mua sam.

De ban hang duoc tren shopee, ban phai xay dung 1 quay hang tren tren san thuong mai dien tu nay.

Buoc1: De xay dung quay hang, ban truy cap vao duong dan : tiep theo click vao muc xay dung cua hang de xay dung quay hang cua cua ban than.

Buoc 2 : ban nhan chon muc xay dung cua hang de xay dung quay hang cua cua ban than.

Buoc 3 : dien cac du lieu thiet yeu cho shop

Buoc 4 : ban nhan chon muc xay dung cua hang de xay dung quay hang cua cua ban than.

Buoc 5 : ke tiep, ban nhap day du cac du lieu nhu ho ten , so mobile, ...

Shopee co 3 chon lua : khu vuc mac dinh, khu vuc do hang, khu vuc tra hang . Neu ban chi co 1 khu vuc thi ghi dau vao het ca 3 nhe .

Buoc 6 : ke tu khi dien xong tin tuc, ban bam luu de doi moi du lieu cho shopee.

Khi vua ban da thay doi dia chi thanh cong , ban se ket noi voi ben chuyen cho de ho giao hang cho khach .



Ngay nay, shopee dong thuan nha ban hang mua di ban lai bat cu nhieu dieu loai tru vai ba san pham bi ngan cam tren shopee nhu da neu tren . Neu khach mua ket qua tren shopee co bat cu phan hoi khong vui long ve ket qua nhu : hang nhai, hang gia, hang khong dung su that thi cac chu tiem ban hang do se bi khoa va co kha nang ngung lam viec voi vinh vien. Hoac ban cung co kha nang tra hang tra lai khoang 24 gio tu khi nhan hang .

Xem chi tiet bai viet tai:


Ha Noi: AR6, Khu do thi Nam Trung Yen, Tu Liem, Ha Noi 100000

Ho Chi Minh: Lau 10 Toa nha Paxsky, 51 Nguyen Cu Trinh, Phuong Nguyen Cu Trinh, Quan 1, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh 70000

Hotline: 0934 329 195



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When selecting a luxury car rental in dubai, consider your specific needs and preferences. Take into account the number of passengers, luggage space, and desired features. Communicate your requirements clearly to the rental agency to ensure that they can provide you with the most suitable option.

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